Monday, April 9, 2007


Good morning!

I just wanted to introduce myself a little bit...

My name is Christina Mawson. I work for National is a great place to work! I am planning my wedding, which is on August 25th! I can't believe how the time goes by SO fast!

I hope that this class can better prepare me for the conflict that I encounter in my Supervisor role here at work.

I look forward to the month ahead!


jamielynnrodriguez said...

Wow I am so excited for you! Congratulations and the day will go by faster then you can ever imagine...just TRY to eat because the bride and groom never get a chance to sit down. Good luck and "see" you in class! =)

momof4 said...

Hello Christina
Looking forward to our first assignment tonight. I hope I dont bore you with my I know it will be fun and good experience.

momof4 said...

It was really nice talking to you last night and meeting you. Good luck with your wedding planning, just follow your heart.


veronica said...

Hello christina
Congratulations on your wedding.
Planning a wedding is very challenging but at the same time a magnificent experience that you'll remember all your life.

momof4 said...

Just a little note to say Hello. Im up late trying to get some bloging done, now that my kids are finally in bed. Talk to you soon :)

Myrna Sadalge said...


Congrats on your wedding, I recently married myself last June 2006. It's the best thing I've ever done in my life. I am truly very blessed and very happy.

I don't see any of your assignments, let me know if I can be of any assistance.